PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences for International Countries
Jueves, 17 de Mayo de 2012 17:00
The School focuses on the knowledge in the field of the social sciences by promoting and organizing doctoral programmes. The main points of the School mission are: Offer a broad common methodological training in the economic and social sciences context, promoting the use of new methods of research offering a wide range of applications in Social Sciences. Enhance multidisciplinary and frontier approaches with a broader perspective than those strictly disciplinary, when studying employment, development, institutional and organizational design. Offer both disciplinary and interdisciplinary Ph.D. Programmes. Give students the opportunity to live in a vibrant research environment, interacting with scholars with different perspectives of studying economy and society in a strongly international exchange context. The main focus areas of the School Programmes are as follows: Methodologies supporting an empirical approach to the study of the economic behaviour as well as the use of non-standard approaches based on experimental and computational economics and a behavioural approach to decision and organization sciences. International commerce especially focusing on relations between global and local development. As one of the main topics will be considered the economic networks building activity. Innovation particularly connected with local development and social innovation. The classical themes of contemporary sociology, among which social inequalities - such as educational, cohort and gender inequalities - with specific focuses on labor market studies, compared welfare systems, and sociology of organizations, either in national or international, comparative, perspective. Specific attention is devoted to the methodological aspects of social research, as well as to the topics of public policy evaluation. Ph.D Programmes: Economics and Management Local Development and Global Dynamics Sociology and Social ResearchConvocante:Universidad de TrentoPlazo:20 june 2012

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