III Convocatoria de Becas CIFF - Santander: Master in Finance & Banking
Miércoles, 22 de Febrero de 2012 17:00
El Centro Internacional de Formación Financiera (CIFF) presenta su III Convocatoria de Becas CIFF-Santander para cursar Estudios de Máster de la Universidad de Alcalá en Madrid en las áreas de finanzas, derecho y management. A través de estas becas CIFF promueve oportunidades de desarrollo profesional y contribuye a que jóvenes con talento se incorporen a la empresa con una formación especializada. Las Becas CIFF-Santander se convocan en: - Finanzas - Banca - Microfinanzas - Finanzas Internacionales - Finanzas Cuantitativas - Estadística - Derecho de la Empresa - Responsabilidad Social Empresarial En 2012, las becas Santander beneficiarán a cerca de 100 candidatos que obtendrán descuentos de hasta el 30% del precio de matrícula según el máster que deseen estudiar. La convocatoria se encuentra abierta y puedes inscribirte en la misma a través del siguiente enlace: http://www.ciff.net/becas-santander. Masters in Finance & Banking, a programme aimed to develop a new generation of finance analysts. The global credit crisis has created a challenging economic environment. At CIFF, we understand that at times of turmoil, students want a programme that is both solid and practical, focusing on generating solutions to ever changing situations in the finance industry. In today’s financial world, local strategies are no longer sufficient, financial service providers must think globally. Through stimulating class study, and enriched understanding in a company placement with one of our many international partners, this programme challenges and inspires our students, equipping them with the knowledge and experience needed to face the challenges in the financial world of today. Aim: This programme has two main objectives: to foster the participants’ analytical understanding of Finance and Banking subjects, and to enable participants to master the decision-making process in uncertain environments. As the programme advances, participants will improve their management skills thanks to the strong interconnection between the subjects dealt with in the programme, supported by business cases and tutorials in a multicultural setting. CIFF is convinced that this programme responds to the personal and technical needs of the candidates, as well as to those derived from the market, thus promoting the access of qualified professionals into the job market.Convocante:Fundación Centro Internacional de Formación Financiera - CIFFPlazo:15 de Marzo de 2012

Leer más: Becas



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